This elegant executive corporate apartment home is located in North Charleston, SC close to the Charleston International airport, Charleston Air Force base, the new Boeing facilities, Robert Bosch, and Naval Weapon's Station and is just 15/20 minutes away from downtown Charleston and area beaches. This beautifully appointed apartment home has 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms, which can be set-up as a 1 bedroom with office or a 2 bedroom apartment. The master bedroom has an attached bathroom. This apartment home boasts a fully equipped designer kitchen with granite countertops and a large granite island that seats two and is open to the dining and living room areas. The dining room area seats four. The living room area has a large leather sectional sofa and a large flat screen TV.
Save $1000.00 when you stay 30 days or more. Discounted monthly rental is $2900.00
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