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This Claim form is to be filled out by the Owner or Manager of the property. The guest may not use this form.

Use this form to file a claim for the Accidental Rental Damage Insurance. Please fill in all the fields and click the SEND CLAIM button below. This will be emailed to the following places for you:
janet.janssen@travelguard.com, ardiclaims@travelguard.com and ardiclaims@ivacationonline.com. You will be copied for your records. You may also need to email separately additional documents, receipts or photos to the above emails. Please include the claim number that will be emailed to you with all correspondences.

Accidental Rental Damage Insurance Claim Form
To be completed by Property Manager/Owner
Note: Initial claim form must be submitted by the participating Property Management Company to Mercury Claims & Assistance of Wisconsin, LLC within 14 business days of initial damage. Additional correspondence including original receipt for replacement or repaired items and/or original invoice or work order must be submitted within 60 days of the initial filing to be eligible for reimbursement. All original documents received become property of Mercury Claims & Assistance of Wisconsin, LLC. Please make a copy of your submission for your records. This policy will be strictly adhered to.
Company Name: ivacationonline.com Ref # 97908
Property Name:
Property Address:
IVOL PropertyID:   If Applicable
Guest Name(s):
(First and Last)
Dates of Occupancy From: To:
Date of Insurance Purchase:
ARDI Coverage $3000
Nature of Incident that caused the damage (theft claim - include copy of police report filed by the guest)
How was damage reported? Guest Housekeeping Unit Inspector
Date Reported:
Corrective action to be taken (Must include original repair bills or purchase receipt):
Note: Property Manager is required to secure and retain damaged property for 60 days from the date the claim is submitted to Mercury Claims & Assistance. Photographs of the property damage may be required.
(This would apply to all claim requests of $1000.00 or higher)
Name of Property Manager/Owner:
Manager/Owner Email Address:
Telephone Number:
2/5/2025 - 10:53:53 AM
Once completed, you can mail, email, or fax this claim form along with necessary documentation to:
Mercury Claims and Assistance of Wisconsin, L.L.C.
P. O. Box 47,
Stevens Point, WI 54481-0047

Email: janet.janssen@travelguard.com
(Each claim needs to be on it's own indvidual email)

Fax: 715-295-1113
Additional correspondence including receipt/invoice must be submitted within 60 days of the initial filing to be eligible for reimbursement. This policy will be strictly adhered to. (If payment is to be issued to anyone other than the Property Management, please indicate to whom payment should be issued to). Please refer to claim# issued on all correspondence..
Make Check Payable To:
Mail claim check to address listed below
Person/Company Name:
City, State, Zip:
You may send a file as an attachment with this email. The file size may not exceed 2 megs.
Any claim over $1000 must have pictures attached.
Select File Attachment:
Security Code
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Travel Guard Travel Insurance
Travel Guard ARDI Policy Guidelines

In an effort to improve our overall Accidental Rental Damage Insurance claims performance, we are implementing the following changes effective January 1, 2012. These guidelines will more clearly define the intent of the ARDI program and the coverage the policy provides.

The ARDI Description of Coverage states: If during a Stay at a Rental Property, an Insured Person, causes any damage to, or theft of, real or personal property of the Rental Property as a result of inadvertent acts or omissions, the Insurer will reimburse the Rental Property for the cost of repair or replacement of such property up to the Maximum Limit shown in the Schedule.

The Accidental Rental Damage Insurance plan was not intended to cover:
  • Labor (time) to shop and deliver by on-staff personnel

  • Fuel surcharges

  • Delivery fees (not including shipping charges or delivery charges as part of appliance or furniture delivery)

  • Hot tub and pool cleaning

  • Excess cleaning charges - (ex: trash removal, whole house carpet cleaning)

  • Any repair considered to be "wear and tear" or normal maintenance (ex: repair a screen door that has come off the track, repair of a hand railing, etc.)

  • Please continue to complete the ARDI claim form and submit to ARDI Claims within 14 business days of discovery of the damage. Include all information regarding the claim with the description of the damage and the action to be taken for repair; please be specific and provide as much detail as possible. If the damage is anticipated to be over $1000, include pictures with the claim form submission. Within 60 days of the initial filing, submit all receipts or invoices to ARDI claims for review and processing. Generic word document receipts are not acceptable; must be on vendor letterhead or business invoice. Be sure to include the claim number on all documentation and send one claim per email.

    Thank you for your business and continued support of the ARDI program. If you have questions, please contact your Travel Guard sales representative at any time.

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